Emily’s Paradox

EMILY MURPHY Revised Nov.2004 Preface Back of the new $50 Canadian banknote Emily’s Paradox was written and published on-line due to the frustration with mostly finding one-sided accounts available on the internet about her – the sanctioned, sanitized hero version. With the minting of the Famous Five on the new Canadian $50 bill that just[…]


DrugSense Weekly Newsletter Feb. 8, 2008 #535 Feature Article Source: http://www.drugsense.org/dscgi/dispn.pl/2008/ds08.n535.html#sec6 News Release http://communications.uvic.ca/releases/release.php?display=release&id=884 BEYOND 2008 On February 4-5, 2008 in Vancouver, BC, the second of two “Beyond 2008: North America Regional Consultations” took place in preparation for a 4th International NGO Forum on UN Drug Conventions. It was held at the Morris J. Wosk[…]

Why People Use Cannabis

ABOUT CANNABIS The Herb Society of America defines a herb as “any plant that may be used for pleasure, fragrance or physic.” Education removes many of the myths surrrounding cannabis (also known as marijuana) and promotion of it’s healing properties are becoming widespread and mainstream at an unprecedented rate. The truth is: 1) Cannabis has[…]

Response to MMAR

Bruce Erickson, Office of Controlled Substances, Department of Health, Address Locator 3503D, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 1B9; Email: bruce_erickson@hc-sc.gc.ca May 6, 2001 Mr. Erickson, The public has been invited to respond to the Marihuana Medical Access Regulations (MMAR) published in the Canada Gazette, Part I, on April 7, 2001. The government feels the MMAR is an[…]