Hempty Marketing Plan

Hempty Marketing Plan Executive Summary Mission Statement “For the health conscious consumer in a GE world” Key Business Activities We sell natural food products suited to health conscious consumers who prefer natural and organic products that have not been genetically engineered. Product and Services Our featured product is Hempty(TM) – a wildcrafted, handpicked herbal hemp[…]

Advocacy work

The following examples are works that have been done within an advocacy framework. Social Justice CanEvolve.ca: Helping Canada Enter The Era of Cannabis Regulation   –  Emily’s Paradox   –  University of Calgary: Complementary Medicine Speaker Series – Medical Marijuana    – Beyond 2008: North America Regional Consultations – UN-observed Forum    – Response to the Medical Marihuana Access Regulations CannabisLink.ca: The oldest[…]


DrugSense Weekly Newsletter Feb. 8, 2008 #535 Feature Article Source: http://www.drugsense.org/dscgi/dispn.pl/2008/ds08.n535.html#sec6 News Release http://communications.uvic.ca/releases/release.php?display=release&id=884 BEYOND 2008 On February 4-5, 2008 in Vancouver, BC, the second of two “Beyond 2008: North America Regional Consultations” took place in preparation for a 4th International NGO Forum on UN Drug Conventions. It was held at the Morris J. Wosk[…]

Response to MMAR

Bruce Erickson, Office of Controlled Substances, Department of Health, Address Locator 3503D, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 1B9; Email: bruce_erickson@hc-sc.gc.ca May 6, 2001 Mr. Erickson, The public has been invited to respond to the Marihuana Medical Access Regulations (MMAR) published in the Canada Gazette, Part I, on April 7, 2001. The government feels the MMAR is an[…]


There are many worthy causes and it is easy to become overwhelmed by trying to “save the world” so finding the right organizations or movements that resonate with you, or starting your own, is crucial to being an effective advocate. You can seek out positions within established organizations, or with much sacrifice, dedication, perseverance and[…]